The importance of our community…
With this year throwing us a lot of hurdles as us as a country – from bushfires to a worldwide pandemic – it is not a surprise that many of us can’t wait for 2021 and to wave goodbye to 2020. But among all the chaos and tragedy, we have seen communities coming together and supporting each other, countries uniting and innovative initiatives emerging to keep up all connected through uncertain times.

This strange time has taught me a lot about how my “normal” doesn’t have to be my normal going forward and when forced to change my routine great things can emerge. An example of this is my connection to my local community. Having rarely stepped foot outside my neighbourhood in the last two months, I’ve now got to know a number of my neighbours, the baristas at my local cafes where I get my daily coffee from rather than rushing straight to work and the power of a connected community who support each other in times of need.
The ability to adapt to a new normal has also been a powerful lesson. It has left me questioning why I do things, is it because I think I should or because “that’s how it’s always been done?” Either way, I have learnt to think outside the box, try new things and connect with people I wouldn’t have otherwise.
This is where Mortgage Mates comes in. While it may not be the “normal” way to buy a house, why not give it a go? The economic impacts of COVID-19 have left many of us in unsure financial situations, not knowing what the future will bring. Yet, it has also shown us that working together can be a solution.
We need to think about innovative ways we can share, pool resources and work together. By sharing ownership of a house it have a number of benefits aside from the obvious lower mortgage and deposit amount. By living with someone who shares similar values you can each pitch in together.

Do you want to buy a house and do it up? You might be an architect so why not buy with a builder? Are you interested in gardening and love to grow produce but cooking isn’t your thing? Why not move in with someone who loves cooking? By living with someone who compliments your skills and interests, you can lower your carbon footprint while sharing costs, resources and skill sets.
You never know who you will meet, what opportunities might arise and what community you could build – it could be the perfect match!