Become a member to start connecting

Simply sign up, for free, complete your profile listing as a home seeker or a home sharer:

Home Seeker – Seeking a home that’s listed or seeking someone else to find a home together with
Home Sharer – Someone who has a home they want to open up to share.

ShareAbode gives you the largest group of potentially compatible single parents to co-live with, anywhere in Australia. Just check back regularly, be proactive and it has the potential to change so much for you, your life and your children’s.

Go to to find out more!


Alone We Are Strong, Together We Are Stronger

Just as we believe in supporting co-ownership in Australia, we are equally supportive of other housing options which might be enable long term, affordable accommodation. ShareAbode is an Australian wide platform that was originally created to connect single parents with one another for the purpose of Home-Sharing. Now, we connect anyone who is struggling to find a rental home. ShareAbode is a platform for all individuals who may benefit from co-living opportunities

Home-Sharing together can help with:

  • Cutting down the cost of rent and living expenses
  • Allows for a higher standard of living for a lesser amount
  • Sharing the load and getting time out for yourself
  • Gaining emotional support, less lonely and some adult convo
  • Sharing household duties; cooking, cleaning
  • Even, parental duties can be shared (a bath all to yourself while your kids are being entertained!)
  • No more “mum, I’m bored” as friendships are created between the kids
  • Plus much more …